Grow Your Practice Through Better 5500 Plan Intel

Search Plans by Type, Location & Size.
Find Company Plans & Decision Makers.
Discover Employees, News, and More.

Your subscription is backed by a 30-Day No Risk, High Value Money-Back Guarantee!

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Discover the Right Opportunities. The Right Decision Makers. With the Right Message. Right Now.

  • Quickly locate the right prospects using our extensive database of more than 1 million U.S. company qualified plans updated monthly, and more than 8 million plan decision makers and influencers, and more than 200 million company employees.

  • Filter plans by type, location, company name, company size, and plan assets. Instantly find the people at companies who you want to talk to, and determine their contact information.

  • Laser-target employees who could become your clients by age, time at company, recent hires, and other criteria. Discover money-in-motion activities on recent news on why a company and/or a person might need to work with an advisor right now.

  • Save a tremendous amount of time by accessing the qualified plan and prospective client information you care about all in on easy-to-use source.

Why You Need

Unlimited Access to all States, People, and Features.

The Intel Engine is not a proprietary database. Rather, it's a power search resource that helps you find information much faster than you could ever do on your own, and often searches sources you may not have otherwise known even existed. In seconds you can locate the business intelligence, targeted opportunities, and the prospects you need to grow your financial advisory practice.

Following are some of the ways Find5500 helps you build a better advisory business:

With Find5500, you can quickly locate 5500 plans by company name, zip code range, plan type, participant size, and asset size.

Plan types include 401(k) plans, 403(b) plans, Self-Directed Option plans, ESOP plans, Cash-Deferred/Defined Benefit plans, Life Insurance plans, Long and Short-Term Disability plans, and Health, Dental, and Vision plans.

You can search for single-participant plans to plans with billions of dollars in assets, and everything in between. On the results page, you can sort by name, sponsor, year, EIN, location, size, and more. With one click, you can download the complete original 5500 plan documents.

There has never been a faster, and easier to use, 5500 Plan search resource than Find5500.

5500 Plan documents typically include the plan administrator name. Yet that is usually not the plan decision maker, and sometimes, not even an employee of the organizations.

With Find5500, enter a company name and with a click, instantly discover owners/founders, "C" level leadership, benefits executives, human resource executives, finance executives, operations executives, and even influencers involved in the qualified plan decision making process.

Then with another click, you can access the person's LI profile and connect, learn about the person, and even ask for a connection. Use the Determine Business Email feature and you can quickly determine a company's email naming convention, meaning you can quickly figure out almost anyone's email address at the organization.

In seconds, you can find company employees by age, with all common job functions, at all seniority levels.

Find an employee who has just been hire and who may have a rollover and needs your advice. Find an employee who recently got promoted and has new investable assets.

Discover employees who went to the same school as you, because you have something in common (hint...say you're a fellow alum and get past the gate keepers).

Or, find an employee who has worked at a company for 20+ years meaning - regardless of their salary - assuming stock options and regular plan contributions, may retire soon as a very high-net worth individual (find the millionaire next door BEFORE they become the millionaire next store).

With access to more than 800 million profiles from around the globe, Find5500's proprietary search algorithms use AI technology to locate all synonyms of different job titles.

For example, you might search for a vice president of human resources. Yet Find5500 is smart enough to also find VPs of HR, Vice Presidents of Corporate Culture, SVPs of Employee Engagement, and more.

Use PowerSearch to locate people by name, title, location, skills, talents, school, graduation year, hobbies, and more - what do you have in common?.

Locate Center of Influence in your community, beyond the traditional lawyers and accountants.

You can even use Find5500 to search for other financial advisors. Find an advisor to partner with who could benefit from your qualified plan skills. Locate an advisor with specific talents who you might like to hire. Even find an older advisor who might be interested in selling their practice.

Search for companies by revenue size, employee size, by industry, by location, and more.

Remember that people like to do business with people who they like. People like to do business with people like them.

Instantly locate women owned, minority owned, veteran owned, and other classified business. With a click you'll find the key company decision makers, and often their direct contact information.  

What's going on at a prospect company where they need to hear your message today?

Prospecting is so much easier when there is a reason someone needs your solution. Use Find5500 to discover Money In Motion Activities in your community including executive hires, layoffs, mergers and acquisitions, relocations, and more.

Then use Find5500's People Search features to instantly identify the company executives and employees you want to meet.

Make sure the first words out of your mouth in any communication is about the other person. Why? Because people are massively passionate about one thing...themselves!

Use Find5500 to search for the latest company news and press releases so you're always relevant to what your prospects and clients care about.

In addition to general news, Find5500 features one of the world's best financial news aggregator. If you went to a public library and asked a librarian for information on qualified plans and key executives, you wouldn't receive 80 million results. That's Google. Rather, the librarian would provide you the top three to five credible and objective financial services publications to review.

Multiply that 10X and that's the power of Find5500's Financial News Library where you can instantly search current issues and archives of the top 70+ financial industry publications and get the credible and objective information you need, right now. 

When you click on a Find5500 result, you go directly to the source database meaning you're always accessing the latest information. This is important because in today's world, the events and people you care about can seemingly change instantly.

In addition, by directing you to the source information versus scraping data, Find5500 also stays on good terms with the information providers, ensuring you're always compliant with their terms and agreements.

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    Pay once, access a lifetime of business growth value.

  • Annual Option

    Lock in your price for life, cancel at anytime.

  • Monthly Option

    Monthly renewable subscription, cancel at anytime.

What Our Subscribers Have to Say...

Financial Advisor

Independent RIA

I look for companies that have a self-directed option and offer a complimentary lunch-and-learn to help employees with their 401k investments. Through Find5500, I already know who I want to target before I walk in the room.

Financial Advisor

Community Bank

I've found plans I'm going to target. I've found centers of influence to partner with, and even advisors to hire. Most important, the intel I gain is a huge differentiator when I meet with any prospect or client.

Managing Director

Major Brokerage Firm

We landed a $4 million dollar account, with more to come. We now have a HUGE edge and lots of confidence. I'm incredibly excited because we just scratched the surface with the knowledge we're gaining and the intel we're using.

Financial Advisor

Firm Specializing in 401(k) Plans

It's incredible the information I now have directly at my fingertips. What used to take me hours now takes just seconds. Plus I discover intel I never even knew that has helped me find new opportunities and win more business.

Managing Director

National Insurance and Investment Provider

We subscribe to many databases - some of them very expensive. With Find5500, the price is right so we don't have to cancel any of our current programs, and we're finding opportunities the others don't have.

Financial Advisor

Independent RIA

I look for companies that have a self-directed option and offer a complimentary lunch-and-learn to help employees with their 401k investments. Through Find5500, I already know who I want to target before I walk in the room.

Financial Advisor

Community Bank

I've found plans I'm going to target. I've found centers of influence to partner with, and even advisors to hire. Most important, the intel I gain is a huge differentiator when I meet with any prospect or client.

Managing Director

Major Brokerage Firm

We landed a $4 million dollar account, with more to come. We now have a HUGE edge and lots of confidence. I'm incredibly excited because we just scratched the surface with the knowledge we're gaining and the intel we're using.

Financial Advisor

Firm Specializing in 401(k) Plans

It's incredible the information I now have directly at my fingertips. What used to take me hours now takes just seconds. Plus I discover intel I never even knew that has helped me find new opportunities and win more business.

Our Full Value Guarantee

30-Day Value Guarantee

Give Find5500 a try and within the first 30-days, if you aren't receiving value, let us know and you'll get a full refund. Plus, there are no contracts and you can cancel at anytime.

Unlimited Usage, Everywhere

With one price, you get access to plans, decision makers, and employees in all states. Use the search features 24/7/365 with no limits. And future updates are automatically included.

Training and Support

Watch the user videos, or set up a personal one-on-one demo to ensure you're maximizing Find5500 for your needs. When you contact us, you get a real person ready to help.

Find5500 Intel Engine Search Features Features

Find5500 Frequently Asked Questions

Your subscriptions starts the second you join and you have unlimited access to Find5500.

You can use the system 24/7/365 and there are no limitations on searching. You can access plans, decision makers, and employees in any state at anytime with no additional fees.

If you purchased the monthly or annual plan, your subscription will automatically renew on your purchase anniversary so you have continual access.

If you have an assistant or a co-worker who does research on your behalf, you can certainly share your login information. However, beyond that, we do ask that every person in your office who will use Find5500 as part of their daily job has their own subscription.

We do track usage and if we see unusual activity, we'll contact you in a nice way (because we're super-nice people) and let you know that a) we're thrilled that you're receiving value from Find5500 and b) determine if an Enterprise program is best for your organization.  

Absolutely not.

For example, LI Sales Navigator is an awesome, very powerful resource that is perfectly complementary to Find5500. With LI Sales Navigator, you are able to save searches, conduct unique searches, and contact people directly via InMails in ways that you cannot do with Find5500. Another excellent resource is Judy Diamond's various tools, where you can also conduct searches for qualified plans and, depending on the subscription, you can download plan analysis, competitive information, and they allow you to search 5500 plans using more than 100 different criteria.

At the same time, Find5500 also has features many features that other online services do not have, for example, the ability to search for all people involved in the plan decision making process, search for Money in Motion activities, search for employees at a company based on key criteria, search financial news, etc.

Being a financial advisor and/or working with qualified plans is a tough and very competitive business, especially today. We priced Find5500 so you can continue to afford - and we highly encourage you to purchase - multiple online resources to have in your arsenal. 

Not at all! All of Find5500's features work with the free versions of resources that it searches, such as LI, Google, news sources, and more.

Nope! Once you subscribe, you'll receive unlimited access to everything in Find5500, including any new and future updates.

ALSO... Occasionally, we may have price increase. HOWEVER, so long as you keep your subscription active, you will have access to everything Find5500 offers with no additional charges - so long as you continue your subscription, the price will never change.

For virtual training, contact Sam Richter directly and he will send you his calendar link to schedule a day and time that is convenient for you.

For award-winning and top-rated organizational workshops or enterprise full in-person program options, please visit

We would never want you to be unhappy! You can cancel your subscription at any time. To do so, once logged in, click on the people icon in the upper right and click the Manage Subscriptions link. Once you cancel, any upcoming payments will be automatically canceled, and your subscription and all future billings will end.

Within the first 30 days, if you are unsatisfied with your subscription for any reason, contact us and we can provide a full refund. To request your refund, please email

No, Find5500 is NOT a database. It is, however, a HUGE time saver.

Find5500 makes finding information that is already online much easier. You could use a search engine like Google combined with other Websites to find the information that Find5500 delivers. However, you would need to know how to craft complex mathematical Boolean equations and/or know the correct websites to even visit.

You could spend minutes - or more likely hours - trying to find information on your own, or you could use Find5500 and find the right information in just seconds.

Yes and no. The Advanced features offered with some search engines do allow you to find information without having to know Boolean. However, you would still need to know what information to enter to find specific results and of course, popular search engines are not designed with the sole goal of finding the information specifically customized to what you care about.

Find5500 uses a complex proprietary combination of Boolean algorithms and AI to automatically search for the synonyms and word combinations that you care about. Find5500 often runs more than 600 simultaneous searches in less than a second!

With Find5500, you will save hours trying to locate information - time that you can now spend growing your business.

With any online search, there is no guarantee that the information is accurate or current. However, Find5500 has built-in-logic that runs in the background and it attempts to filter out results from non-reputable sources.

Find5500 is not a list building tool. You can use Find5500 to locate people and then contact them via their online profiles or other means that they provide. Find5500 also has a feature that allows you to determine a person's email address using popular email-finder resources.

However, if you're looking for a pure list-building database, we recommend also purchasing a subscription to LinkedIn Sales Navigator or other list-building services such as

Find5500 looks for combinations of words in online sources and on a person's online profile. Please contact us and we are happy to share what words you might want to put on your profile, so you do appear. In addition, some people inadvertently, or on purpose, don't make their profile publicly available. For those people, their names will not appear in results. 

Some people inadvertently, or on purpose, don't make their profile publicly available to open-Web search engines. For those people, their names will not appear in any results. 

Who Created

Find5500 was created by Sam Richter, CSP, CPAE, a Hall of Fame Sales and Business motivational speaker and bestselling author.

As part of his programs, Sam develops custom Intel Engine search applications for every company and industry where he speaks to ensure the learning - and most important, the implementation - of what he shares continues long after the ovation subsides. Sam has worked extensively in the financial services industry, having keynoted some of the largest financial services events including MDRT multiple times, GAMA/LAMP, and advisor conference around the globe. He also does corporate training and individual coaching. Questions? Contact Sam directly.